Nancy S. Rothschild, M.S.

Licensed Psychotherapist

Mindfulness-Based Therapy



I received my M.S. in Clinical Counseling from California State University in 1984 and my license as a Marriage and Family Therapist in 1985.  I have continued my post-graduate education in psychodynamic therapy as well as completing certificate programs in substance abuse counseling and mental health in aging from U.C. Berkeley and Cal State Hayward.

For 25+ years I’ve been in private practice.  For more than 14 years I developed and implemented counseling and support programs for those providing care for elderly and/or disabled loved ones.

My interest in meditation has developed over 25+ years.  15 years ago I completed training in teaching Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction followed by Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression. I was taught these interventions by the originators, Jon Kabat-Zinn and Zindel Segal.

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